Checking: No change from last month: 18 Aug balance was $1299.60. 15 Sep balance is $1319.60.
Petty Cash: No change from last month: 18 Aug balance was $32.18. 15 Sep cash on hand is $39.18.
New Business:
Sarah Floyd volunteered and was duly elected as Chapter President. Sarah is probably the youngest EAA Chapter President in history at 15 years old.
Jessie Hyman volunteered and was duly elected as Chapter Secretary. Dennis volunteered to remain as Chapter Webmaster.
Fly-in preparations were discussed.
The domain name is now bought for 5 years which was the max our provider would allow.
Old Business:
We still owe Gene Baker for the last BBQ - about $430.
Doug is still wanting some project materials for students. Wayne offered his extra MiniMax kit parts. See Doug.
Wayne talked to a person at Triple Tree about how to manage/build Chapters. Greg Heller offered to help with this project. This will be brought up again in the near future as our Chapter strives to change our meeting format.
As a reminder, everybody's info is posted on our website at See Dennis for login info.
See Doug for CAP information and how to save money getting your pilots license and flight time.
Officers Present:
Dennis Scott, Secretary/Webmaster
Members and Visitors Present:
Claude Dey
Jessie Hyman
Bob & Peggy Stahlberger
Ron Heidebrink
Doug Floyd
Sarah Floyd
Carrie Floyd
Dan Drost
Larry Vaught
Larry Howell