Checking: 17 Oct balance was
$213.16. 19 Oct deposited 6 members dues $120.00 5 Nov withdraw $200 for fly-in cash. 12 Nov paid HEC $46.93. 12 Nov deposited 3 member's dues $60. 12 Nov deposited money collected at Nov 6th fly-in $1173. 12 Nov deposited donation from 50/50 raffle $61. 21 Nov balance on account $1380.23.
Petty Cash: 17 Oct
balance was $78.88. Kitty produced $35. 26 Oct kitchen supplies cost $52.14. 26 Oct kitchen supplies $6.48. 28 Oct kitchen supplies $15. 6 Nov more kitchen supplies $6.48. 21 Nov cash on hand $33.88.
New Business:
Fly-in November 6th was a great success considering the weather and field conditions!
Christmas party is set for Dec 12th, 4:30 p.m. at Mangos restaurant on 74th Ave North.
Members voted to set the Chapter Lifetime Membership fee at $300.
Are there still some people that haven't paid their annual dues?
Ron is entertaining the idea of renting space for a hangar or hangar space itself.
There was a suggestion that we sublet the Green Sea building for a monthly fee.
Old Business:
Need to repaint the
letters on the roof.
Officers Present:
Smith, President
Dennis Scott, Secretary/Webmaster
Members and Visitors Present:
Bob and Peggy Stahlberger
Bill & Sue Utt
Gene Dickson
Dan Drost