Treasurer Report:
- Checking: 16 Apr, balance was
$621.65. 9 May, paid Horry Electric $7.67 after Duane's $15 credit. 10 May, bought gas for mower for $40.00. 13 May, got a cash drawer of $200 for the breakfast fly-in and because it was wet at Green Sea and we didn't have the breakfast fly-in, we put the $200 back in the bank on 20 May. 20 May, deposited $20 paid dues. 21 May, paid $192.96 to Dennis Scott for postage he paid for in September of 2010. 21 May,
reimbursed Bill Utt for material used to X out the runway at Green Sea, $30.54. 21 May, balance in checking is $370.47.
- Petty Cash: 16 Apr, cash on hand was $5. 16 Apr, kitty produced $35. 19 Apr, bought EAA banner from Oshkosh for $32. 21 May,
balance on hand is $8.