Bank checking account: As of April 11,2009 the
amount on deposit was $64.70. Two new memberships, $20 each. Austin and Majanne Underbakke donated $100 toward Don's plaque. May 11th, paid Horry Electric $14.61. On May 16th balance in checking is $190.09.
Petty cash: April 11th cash on hand was $60.23. Meeting donuts cost $13.90. The kiddy produced $72.00. May 3rd, Breakfast Club donations came to $176.00. Soda fund produced $8.39. There were also some misc. donations for extras left over that came to $12.00. May 3, supplies for the fly-in were $256.62. May 16th, $58.10 remains in petty cash.
New Business:
June meeting will be at Green Sea. Time is 11:00 as normal.
We didn't break even on the Breakfast Club fly-in.
Old Business:
Building insurance - self insure or pay Falcon?
"The Don Rudyk Building". Place of the plaque or prop to be determined at a later time. We currently have $100 dedicated to it.
Larry reported that the Burgaw fly-in was no bigger than ours - not much happening. They did have a aircraft wiring man come in and give a briefing on how to properly wire an aircraft. Their BBQ plate was $7.
Bill Utt recommends that members provide updates on their aircraft projects. He provided a status update on his airplane and invited us to come by and check his project out.
Officers Present:
Smith, President
Duane Drisko with Sherry and Ashley, Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary/Webmaster
Members and Visitors Present:
Bill Utt
Bob and Peggy Stahlberger
Bud and Shirley Shaw Chuck Paton
Corey Thomas
Larry Vaught