Checking: 18 Feb balance was $1257.94. 2 Mar deposited dues of $20.00. As of 17 Mar, balance is
Petty Cash: 18 Feb balance was $1.67. Kitty produced $33.00. As of 17 Mar, balance is $34.67.
New Business:
Bill Utt has moved and has resigned as President of the Chapter. Wayne Robinson is currently our interim President.
Hardee Airpark's breakfast
club fly-in is coming up on Sunday, April 15th. (see
Green Sea's breakfast club
fly-in is coming up on Sunday, May 20th. (see
Conway Spring Fly-in is scheduled for April 28 this year. Doug Floyd is the point of contact. See County will be giving away free hamburgers, hotdogs, and Cokes so we voted to not participate in this event other than to assist where possible.
EAA has offered to give students (like at PIA) free National EAA membership for 6 months and we offer them the same thing.
Old Business:
Hangar talk weekends each month at various places was discussed, perhaps every other month, scheduled a year out? Wayne suggests the first Saturday of the month.
Ron suggests we arrange a tour of the MYR Control Tower.
We may be getting nametags for Chapter members made by a EAA Chapter. President is working on this.
Ron and Dennis have been
tasked to find a possible replacement date for the fall fly-in. Give to Doug.
Doug has been working on the upcoming spring fly-in; more info to follow.
Officers Present:
Wayne Robinson, Vice President
Duane Drisko, Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary/Webmaster
Members and Visitors Present:
Bob and Peggy Stahlberger
Dan Drost
Jim Stoveken
Jessie Hyman
Ron Heidebrink