checking account: As of May 17th, 2008, checking account balance was $132.57. On June 10th, we paid Horry Electric $54.88.
On May 28th, we deposited $500 from the Lumberton airshow and the SC Breakfast Fly-in. As of June 21st, the
balance in the checking account is $577.69.
cash: May 17th, 2008, petty cash on hand was $418. On May 17th, we bought LP gas for the grill at Lumberton
$16.50. On the same day, we paid $30.82 for ice and clean-up materials. See below for the Lumberton fly-in figures. Balance
in Petty Cash as of June 21st is $14.35. We also have six 41 cent postal stamps.
breakdown: $143.67 gross sales. Expenses were: soda and water: $38.09; brats $30.25; hotdogs, burgers, buns: $62.53; fixings:
$2.97. Those expenses came to $133.84 which was donated by Wayne and Jean Robinson. The Chapter only paid for the gas and
ice, $47.32.
New Business:
on roof. Dennis to donate 5 gallons of roof sealant.
Old Business:
is going to cut the grass for Bud and Shirley for a couple months.
·Russell had bypass surgery March 4th.
Officers Present:
Gary Smith, President
Duane Drisko, Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary
Members and Visitors Present:
Jim Stoveken
Larry Vaught
Russell Edwards
Bill Utt
Bob and Peggy Stahlberger
Jerry Shaw