Checking: 21 Nov 2010 balance was
$1380.23. 26 Nov paid Bud and Shirley Shaw for the rent for the
entire year, $600. 30 Nov paid Falcon insurance $600. 13 Dec paid
Horry Electric $98.26. 31 Dec deposited $120 in dues, $100 donation,
$34 petty cash. 13 Jan paid Horry Electric $85.93. 13 Jan deposited
$20 in dues and $40 donation. 13 Jan paid Horry County Tax $161.86.
balance $148.18. 21 Jan deposited from Carl Knutz $300 lifetime
membership. 21 Jan kitty $30. 22 Jan paid EAA headquarters $321
annual dues. 11 Feb deposited $20 dues and paid Horry Electric
20 Feb
balance $140.08.
Petty Cash: 21 Nov
balance was $34.88. 16 Jan balance $.88 and kitty produced $50.
20 Feb balance $20.88.
New Business:
A few people are haven't paid their dues yet.
Chapter projects are going on. See Wayne for details.
The Chapter voted to continue Chapter projects.
Location of monthly meetings has reverted back to Green Sea.
The members voted to keep the dues at $20 per year.
Dennis suggested that by November we leave Green Sea entirely and cut
the extreme expenses involved with the building. It was not voted on at
this meeting.
Bill and Wayne said they would talk to Mike Marlowe about getting a meeting
location at Conway or Myrtle Beach.
The Chapter voted to return the meeting times to the third Saturday of
each month at 10:00.
Old Business:
Need to repaint the
letters on the roof.
Officers Present:
Bill Utt, President
Wayne Robinson, Vice President
Dennis Scott, Secretary/Webmaster
Duane Drisko, Treasurer
Members and Visitors Present:
Bob and Peggy Stahlberger
Ron Heidebrink
Larry Vaught
Gary Smith