Bank checking account: April 21, 2007 balance $1140.87. April 27, 2007 paid Horry Electric $33.48. April 21, 2007 received
$80 minimax donation and Bill/Nancy's dues of $50. May 3, 2007, to prepare for the breakfast fly-in, we paid the Todd
House $416.94 which was later reimbursed due to the fly-in being cancelled due to weather. May 5, 2007, paid for the new
mower, $200. On May 5th, paid Wayne $85.86 for breakfast fly-in foods. May 8, 2007, gave a small donation to the Grand
Strand Humane Society in memory of Cybil Tarner, $100. Balance as of May 19, 2007 is $434.59.
Petty Cash: April 21, 2007 $112.51 cash on hand. The March meeting produced $75.00. The meeting's donuts cost was
$10.35. The breakfast club (local) meeting brought in $75. May 19, 2007 cash on hand was $252.16.
From the Lumberton (May) Event: Minimax parts that were sold/donated, received $50 that was put into the checking account.
Duane went to the Horry Electric meeting and got the Chapter a $25 discount for electricity. June 11, 2007, deposited the
proceeds of the Lumberton fly-in of $114.76. Transferred from petty cash into checking $85.24. Paid Horry Electric June
11, $30.10. Balance June 16, 2007, $1071.43.
Petty cash: June 16, 2007 cash on hand $166.92.
The Lumberton Fly-in on 18-20 May: Grossed $425 of which the large and small airplanes grossed $100. Food, ice, and
LP gas was $310.24. "Top quality food was used and it was appreciated. We didn't make a lot of money but we made a
lot of
The food
sales made $14.16. [Secretary note: There was way too much on this subject to print here. For
more on this subject please see the audio file on the website (Minutes
for June 2007.wav huge, 17 Meg file!).]
New Business:
Jack requested that the Chapter send Mr. Door (Bill Utt's friend) a letter about the coffee machine donation to the
Chapter. Gary requested that Jack get us some more info and he would be happy to provide the letter.
Gary brought up about a fire extinguisher. Duane said he would donate two of them similar to the ones we have in the
Chapter building.
Shirley brought up that she will contact the Breakfast Club and let them know that we are interested in hosting the
breakfast club once per year.
There will be no meeting for July. The next meeting will be on August 18, 2007.
Old business:
Duane said he would bring some filter cloth in for marking different areas of the airfield.
Jack Tarner was present and thanked the Chapter for it's efforts after his wife's recent death.
Gary thanked the crew that put off the Lumberton Airshow in May.
Due to the Lumberton Airshow, there effectively was not a meeting for May so the treasury report is included here in
these minutes.
Dennis said that the website pictures have been updated. Also, he advised that the Fall Fly-in notifications have been
sent out to all known fly-in listing sites. The fall fly-in is November 3, 2007, the first Saturday in November.
Jack donated several books for the Chapter's use as we see fit.
Officers Present:
Gary Smith, President
Wayne Robinson, Vice President
Duane Drisko, Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary
Members Present:
Bob Stahlberger
Peggy Stahlberger
Jack Tarner
Larry Vaught
George Moncrieff
Shirley and Bud Shaw