Bank: 16 Dec 2006, $1848.82 balance. 16 Dec 2006, paid the EAA Chapter Office $321.00 for our annual dues, 16 Dec 2006, reimbursed Gary Smith 39.80 for Thom's engraved plaque. Donations received and deposited into account with one member's dues for 2007 came to $250. 16 Dec 2006, paid Falcon Insurance Agency $622 for insurance for the year. 29 Dec 2006, paid the Horry Electric bill $102.19. Balance on account as of 20 Jan 2007 is $1013.83.
Petty Cash: 16 Dec 2006 $62 cash on hand. 16 Dec 2006, the meeting produced $32.00. The meeting's donuts cost was $10.35. 20 Jan 2007 cash on hand was $83.65.
New Business:
We had three new visitors today; Bill and Sue Utt from Pawley's Island, and Don Nattress from Northern Canada.
The Lumberton Fly-in is coming up in May and we need volunteers for it. Wayne and Duane volunteered. The contact point at Lumberton is Danny Freeman and his telephone number is (910) 740-6751.
The Breakfast Club fly in is also in May, on Sunday, the 6th.
Old business:
EAA Headquarters advised that EAA members can be a member of any number of local Chapters just by paying each Chapter's dues.
Don Cookman visited us at this meeting.
Officers Present:
Gary Smith, President
Wayne Robinson, Vice President
Duane Drisko, Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary
Members Present:
Larry Vaught
Sherrie Drisko and Daughter
Bob Stahlberger
Peggy Stahlberger