June 17, 2006
EAA Chapter 1167
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Treasure’s Report:
1. In account: as of 14 April, $708.88 in bank, deposit from petty on 27th of April for $100, on 27th of April wrote a check to Horry Electric for $11.45, leaving a balance of $697.43. 5th June wrote another check to Horry Electric for $18.27. Also on 5th June transferred $100 of petty cash to checking. $778.16 balance.
2. Bought out of petty cash:
a. Donuts $10
b. Gasoline 10 gallons for $27.30
c. Electrical supplies for the shed and bounty rolls: $11.30
d. Donuts: $10.02
3. Petty cash balance as of today is $32.62.
4. Combined funds available $778.16 plus $32.62 (not counting the Lumberton airshow proceeds.)
5. Thom reported: “What we have on account today puts us ready to operate through next year if insurance does not go up.”
Old business:
Lumberton Airshow
Dennis gave the Lumberton report and turned over the money to the treasurer. The bottom line profit was $340.14. See his report for more complete details. We need volunteers for next year’s event where we were invited to handle an evening dinner for pilots.
Duane and Wayne are working on the sink and handrails.
Dennis brought in some plywood for Gary to work on the signs on the building. Thom stated that the sign kind of indicates the status of the Chapter.
New business:
A motion was put forth to replace both of the tent tops. Dwayne measured the top so we can replace them.
The Chapter now has its own hosting and domain name service through Mydomain.com. Dennis has paid for a year of both services and the Chapter is to pay him back for it. Also, need to update the Fly-in dates on the website.
Gary suggested we have a summer event like a cook out. Thom suggested to have that for the August meeting. Jim made a motion that we have a cookout at the August meeting and it was approved.
First Saturday in November (the 4th) is the date for our fly-in. Dennis needs to notify the EAA of this event by 1 July so we can get some exposure for this event.
Thom is working on putting electric out in the shed. He has the UF cable and all the needed parts.
Thom let us know that Russell Edwards has not been feeling well lately. He has also moved to Surfside Beach.
Jim has his Ercoupe in the Chapter building to strip it. After it’s painted he plans to sell it so that he can buy a sport plane manufactured by Just Aircraft in Walhalla, SC.
Officers Present:
Gary Smith, President
Jim Stoveken, Vice President
Thomas Sullivan, Treasurer
Duane Drisko, incoming Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary
Members Present:
Charles Paton
Larry Vaught
Shirley Shaw
Bob Stahlberger
Peggy Stahlberger
Larry Vaught
Walter Martens