August 2006

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Meeting Minutes August 19, 2006

EAA Chapter 1167

 Click Here to listen to the meeting if you wish.

Treasurer’s Report:

13 July checking account balance on deposit $1074.67, check to Horry Electric for $20.54 on the 31st of July, as of August 18, the book balance was $1054.53.


Petty Cash: 13 July on hand was $115.62, 15 July soda fund gave us $2.50 more, the meeting donuts costs us $10.02, cash on hand is $108.10.


Thom gave the Officers a printed sheet with a list of our fiscal responsibilities and current obligations are:


  1. 1st Oct, a check in the amount of $300 made out to Earl L. Shaw is due and payable on the current year payment number 9, the 9th year on the lease. We have 6 years remaining on the lease.
  2. Real estate and property tax for the building only, is due not later than 31 Dec for the current tax year made out to Earl L. Shaw.  Last year it was approximately $168.
  3. Plantation Federal Bank Account in Pawley’s Island. Recommend Duane change to another bank account.
  4. Falcon Insurance Agency provides liability coverage due and payable not later than 31 Dec of the current year. This year the premium increased by 10 percent to $550.
  5. Chapter insurance which includes Chapter dues and Chapter liability coverage for special events. Last year was approximately $280.


See Thom’s letter for more details on this subject.


It was commented by several people that Thom has done an exceptional job and will be missed. He commented that after his return from his vacation he will be available for help as necessary.


It was commented that we may have to increase the dues at some time. Russell brought up that each person should make a contribution of $50 to $100 a year and it would not be necessary to raise the dues and thus be more competitive with other Chapters. Thom suggested that we do this at the point that annual dues are due in October. Gary brought up that if we each just put in our $10 per month at the meeting that this would serve the same purpose.  Chuck brought up that the problem of giving more money does not solve the basic problem of not having enough members and that we really need to concentrate on getting more members. Chuck recommended that we contact EAA to get a list of EAA members to contact about our Chapter. Thom says that we won’t have a monetary problem through next year if members pay their dues on time.


New Business:


Break-ins: shed and property, gas and diesel losses.


Jim said that one tractor won’t run and it was when it went into the shed. Duane said he would take a look at it when he can.


Thom said we need to install the two vents for the shed. Duane said we need to do that right away.


Duane and Thom discussed fixing the shed door to reduce the ability to tamper with it.


Jim said he would purchase the tent tops. There was a suggestion of getting the canvas type. Gary suggested that Duane and Gary drive over to Harbor Freight to get some of the tent tops.


Duane said he would bring diesel fuel tomorrow for the tractor and mow the field.


Dennis offered to bring his ZTR over to help mow the grass if he can get a trailer.


Gary brought in a guest, George, from South Port. Also, David and Will came in with some radio controlled airplanes for possible purchase by the Chapter. It was determined that the one that they brought was a little too elaborate for just a static display but they have another one that would be more appropriate for less money.


Duane brought up that Don Cookman has a mini max that he wants to donate to the Chapter. Don would like a letter stating that he has donated it to the Chapter. Thom said that we can’t give a letter to him because we are not a 501C3 organization.


Wayne made a motion that everyone that could afford it bring in an extra $50 to donate to the Chapter. The motion was seconded and approved.


The summer cookout was not decided on.


Old business:


Gary said he was going to try to fix the old sink that he brought back in.


Duane is working on getting replacement tent tops.


Gary is working on the sign for the building.


Gary is going to pick up the Red letters for the sign and paint the sign white.


Tom got the electric put out in the shed as he said he would.


Jim is still working on the Ercoupe in the Chapter building.


Today is the last day for Thom to be Treasurer. Duane has taken over for him effective today.


The Fall Fly-in is 4 November.

 Officers Present:
Gary Smith, President
Jim Stoveken, Vice President
Thomas Sullivan, Treasurer
Duane Drisko, incoming Treasurer
Dennis Scott, Secretary

Members Present:
Russell Edwards
Charles Paton
Bob Stahlberger
Peggy Stahlberger




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