Meeting Minutes

Meeting Apr 16, 2005


Present, Duane Drisko, Wayne Robinson, Jim Stoveken, Gary Smith, Thom Hamilton, Bob Stahlberger, Shirley & Bud Shaw, Herb Hostetler,

President Smith opened the meeting by thanking everyone for participating in the fly-in in spite of the weather.

Thom Hamilton provided the following information regarding the chapter finances:
$112 to Boulineau’s
balance 439.97.
Petty cash $86.72.
$30 worth of invoices.
$31.50 worth of soda.
60 bottles of water at $10.

The chapter is into the flyin for about $180. Need to sell about 40 meals to break even.

Jim Stoveken moved that we accepted the treasurers report.

Unanimously accepted.

Robbie Walker read the minutes from the last meeting (provided by Jim Stoveken).

Gary mention the disposal of the building. It was mentioned that we need an entry ramp to store the mower in the shed. The decking in the tower has been replaced. Thanks to Dan for the lumber to replace the flight tower.

No old business.

New business.

Jim broke the break pedal on the tractor and we need to have that removed and welded.

Thom mentioned that the blades on the mowers need to be sharpened and the tractor needs to have the outriggers modified.

Jim Stoveken mentioned that the modifications might not be necessary as he was able to get them in.

Russell Edwards daughter was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday morning so he was unable to attend the flyin.

Thom suggested that we provide a sympathy card in memorial. It was suggested that we also get something for the memorial.

Thom suggested that we stop with the Spring FlyIn and concentrate on the Fall flyin. Bob Stahlberger suggested that we make the Fall flyin a consistent date so people can plan on it more regularly.

We are hosting the SC Breakfast club. In June of ’06. It was decided to shelve this discussion until the next meeting.